Last Date of Attendance

The last date of attendance/participation must be recorded by the instructor for students with failing , unsatisfactory, or incomplete grades. This applies to undergraduate and graduate courses.

Requirement for F, U, N, I & IP grades

  • All instructors are required to enter the last date of attendance/participation for all students with failing (F), unsatisfactory (U), no credit (N), incomplete (I), in progress (IP) grades.
  • The last date of attendance is required to comply with federal student financial aid reporting requirements. This is because a student cannot receive financial aid for a course he or she did not attend.
  • Students who received an F, U, or N may have to pay back their financial aid funds depending on their last date of attendance.

When you need to report last date of attendance

  • When you record a grade of F, U, N, I, or IP for a student, you must also enter the last date of attendance/participation in Banner.
  • Entering the last date of attendance is required before your grade submission can be saved.

Participation examples that count as attendance

  • The date should be the last date on record that the student attended or participated in your class.
  • Options include:
    • physically attending/participating in a class activity
    • electronic attendance (ex: Poll Everywhere, attendance module in Canvas, Connect class attendance feature)
    • participating in an online discussion or activity about academic matters
    • attending a study group assigned by the instructor
    • submitting an assignment/project/test/tutorial/quiz
    • initiating contact with instructor to ask a question about the course or course content
  • Note: If your class is an online or distance education course, the student simply logging into an online course or viewing a page does NOT count.

How to enter last date of attendance

Step-by-step instructions:

Attendance Scenarios (F, U, and N)

No academic-related activity in course. Don’t know if student attended.Enter the first day of class in Last Attend Date and enter a zero (0) in Attend Hours.Check the “Did Not Attend” box. This will auto-populate the day prior to the first day of classes.
Academic-related activity recorded, however did not complete course.Enter date of last academic-related activity.Enter date of last academic-related activity.
Student attended course and completed final exam.Enter last date of class.Enter last date of class.

Attendance Scenarios (I and IP)

Academic-related activity recorded, however did not complete course.Enter last date of class.Enter last date of class.

Additional Resources