
Effective for Spring 2025 schedule building, general classrooms will be assigned based on:

When it comes to department location, we utilize a neighborhood approach. Based on the parameters above, every effort is made to find the closest location to the respective academic department. Each course subject has its own building prioritization sets. 

History (HIST) Course

  • 1st building set (Fretwell, Macy, Denny)
  • 2nd building set (Burson, Cameron, Colvard, Friday, McEniry, Robinson, Rowe, Smith, Storrs)
  • 3rd building set (Mebane, CHHS, Gymnasium, Woodward)
  • 4th building set (Duke, Grigg)

Explore the Optimized Room Scheduling Building Priority by Subject interactive map for a visual and interactive display of these neighborhoods by subject.